Women on Top
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Before women can rise to the top, we must get out of our own way.
It’s a pivotal time for women leaders. On one hand, studies show women are woefully under-represented in the highest echelons of corporate leadership. On the other, we’ve made huge strides in the political arena, while the global business world increasingly values the “soft skills” we’re naturally good at.
So, what does all of this mean for women who aspire to the C Suite? Deb Boelkes has a simple message: Go for it. Conditions have never been more favorable. Yet know that before you forge ahead it’s crucial to identify and neutralize the forces that are holding you back.
In Women On Top: What’s Keeping You From Executive Leadership? —the third in a four-book series--Boelkes lays out a blueprint for getting out of your own way so you can make real progress. She tackles big roadblocks like fear, impostor syndrome, gender bias, and victimhood and offers advice on overcoming them. As she does so she masterfully weaves her own story together with been-there-done-that advice from seven high-level women from various industries.
A sampling of the book’s insights:
Smart strategies for dealing with career development challenges and personal weaknesses
Why taking on cross functional assignments (especially those outside your comfort zone) creates the broad perspective senior leaders need
Mind shifts and “how-tos” for overcoming the fear of heights that holds so many talented women back
The vital importance of articulating the value of your personal brand (Hint: it’s NOT bragging)
Why leading through influence—building solid, trusting relationships with those beyond your direct span of control—is a major key to success
How to discern when you can push through gender bias or finesse around it and when it’s time to move on to another place where you can be a shining superstar
How to avoid the lure of victimhood and uses losses and disappointments as an impetus to improve and grow
Practical tips for making continuous learning and self-development a way of life
How to balance confidence with humility, caution with courage, and self-reliance with teamwork, connection, and camaraderie.
And much more!
Echoing with the voices of successful women with a rich diversity of perspectives—and sprinkled with tips, tactics, and thought-provoking questions—this book engages the mind and the heart. It’s perfect for high school and college students as well as professional women of all ages and stages. Women On Top is for anyone who wants to do what she loves, love what she does, and become the best leader she can be along the way.
2022 Award in Business Category
What a gift Deb has given women in her latest book “Women on Top.” Through her own and others’ lived experiences, she shares valuable leadership lessons and advice for getting past the roadblocks that hold so many women back. It is a comprehensive guide for women of any age who aspire to lead.
— Nancy Howell Agee
President and CEO, Carilion Clinic
Do you want to laugh? Do you want to see what authentic leadership looks like from the inside? Have you ever asked yourself “how did those female CEOs do it?” If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, stop and read this book! This book is filled with excellent advice from remarkable women who have succeeded in achieving executive leadership. It is definably worth your time to learn how other women have overcome the same struggles you are feeling and experiencing. The candid feedback and advice from women who have succeeded is refreshing and enlightening. I truly wish this existed when I was coming up through the leadership ranks.
— Lieutenant General Kathleen Gainey (US Army, retired)
With insights and wisdom straight from the heart of C-Suite women, this book describes the journey of how to become a Woman on Top. The straight-up, tell it like it is, real-life experiences shared create a dynamic picture of how the C-suite is evolving from traditional to transformational. You will get a candid, behind the curtain view of ‘her-story.’ The introspections and reflection points offer key take-aways and great reference points for aspiring women leaders. You’ll deepen your engagement with each chapter.
— Dr. Michelle St. Jane, LL.b, MA (Philanthropy),
PhD (Strategy & Human Resource Mgt.)
Strategist for Compassionate Leaders, Video Podcaster, and eSpeaker
This insightful book is uniquely designed to provide rich content by intertwining stories from some of the most prominent women executives in business today. Deb Boelkes is an outstanding writer, and she has chosen the most relevant and timely topics for this book. I value and respect her perspectives and advice on leadership because she has “walked the walk” in her life and career. The unexpected treasures in this book are the stories and the philosophies of the women executives that Deb chose as contributors. I so wish I had all her books earlier in my life to serve as a guide and to soothe the loneliness that comes with executive management. This is much more than a book on leadership—it is an inspiration!
— Wendy Johnson
Former President and CEO, Dale Carnegie of Georgia